Sweetie Pie's Story
The day we found her
Sweetie Pie
March 25, 2023. There she lay, near a food stand near the highway between San Miguel de Allende and Leon, Mexico. Emaciated, yet nobody had fed her. Tick and flea infested, yet no one had ever bathed her. Starving for human attention, yet she was ignored by everyone around her. This is the story of Sweetie Pie.
Nobody knows how long Sweetie Pie had been laying near that food stand. But she was there on March 25, 2023 when one of Lucky Dog’s board members was driving by, and stopped to buy a cold drink. It is common to see street dogs in Mexico, but something was different about this one. Tongue sticking out the side of her mouth, a skeleton-like body but with swollen legs. Barely able to stand or move.
She was picked up and taken to Lucky Dogs’ vet. The vet’s somber advice was to take her home, give hospice care, and show her love for the last few weeks of her life. The hanging tongue was a sign of neurological damage from a previous battle with distemper. The swollen legs were likely bone cancer.
Sweetie Pie went to her foster home, and for weeks seldom moved from the soft chair in the bedroom. But she did not die. Instead she started to recover. Over the next several months, with proper nutrition, hydration, medication and rest, she slowly started to gain weight and strength.
Today Sweetie Pie is a beloved member of the family that fostered her. With daily medication, Sweetie Pie lives a close to normal life. She doesn’t run as fast as her four-legged siblings, but she is running, and nobody thought that was possible. She is loved, and she is happy.
Happy endings like Sweetie Pie’s are only possible with the help of caring people like you. Please help ensure more happy endings for homeless dogs in San Miguel and the surrounding areas by making a donation to Lucky Dogs, or by volunteering to be a foster family.